Breath Body

"When you own your own breath, no one can steal your peace." - Unknown

As we begin our work week, our contemplation rests in the rebirth of our breath. If anyone has ever watched a baby sleep, you can watch the steady rise and fall of their entire being. The belly reaches up to the sky with the inhale and falls back with the exhale perfectly. As we grow, we develop habits which hinder the breath and don’t allow that full bodied breath to carry us through our day. Breath plays such an important role in more than just allowing the oxygen to enter and exit the body. It is a significant indicator of our sense of peace and well-being on our own lives.

Yoga invites us to contemplate the flow of prana affecting the subtle body energies. Nadis are conduits which carry prana into the spaces of the body known as chakras. As energy centers open, we begin to access repressed emotions, stored trauma and accumulated life patterns. If the flow of breath is hindered we contract. This physical/energetic shift which results from learned patterns of holding can lead to a profound sense of isolation and separateness. As we nurture the breath body, we become sensitive to ourselves and can make empowered, conscious decisions in life and finally we see the results of that mind/body connection.