Break Free of Comfort

“Don’t get too comfortable with who you are at any given time – you may miss the opportunity to become who you want to be.”
– Jon Bon Jovi

I know, you must be thinking, “Did she just quote Bon Jovi?” Yes, yes, I did. And this wisdom is a common theme in living your yoga. Anyone who has attended my class has heard me ask you to leave your comfort zone.

When was the last time you did something that terrified you? When was the last time you took a chance?

Many of us live our day to day in fear that we will fail, so why bother trying. Had anyone told me that I would not only be practicing yoga and riding my bike daily, but teaching others the joy it brings, I would have told them they were nuts. I loved my high paying, corporate job in television. I thrived there. I did, however, wish that I had more time to ride my bike and practice yoga. And the lesson, of “Be careful what you wish for” rang true when I was laid off along with a wave of other media producers, with no jobs in sight. This lack of choice to stay in my comfort bubble, pushed me to rediscover my passion and what made me tick. It made me take that chance on myself. And now, I’m doing what I love and loving what I do each and every day.

Today I ask you to step out of that comfortable space. I’m not asking you to quit your job on impulse or run red lights on your commute home from the office, but I am asking you to take a breath and look at your life with objectivity. What habits have you formed that you don’t even think about? When is the last time you walked into your favorite restaurant and ordered something new? Took a new route to the grocery store? Sat and were still at your desk for an entire minute with your eyes closed?

This is your opportunity to become who you want to be. So go for it!