Beginner's Mind

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.” – Zen Master Shunryo Suzuki

Let’s step into the new work week with a beginner’s mind. This is a Zen Buddhism approach to life and one we should all try to adopt. Perhaps you are new to yoga and/or cycling, or recently started a new job, relationship or hobby. In these instances, the beginner’s mindset isn’t an unimaginable one since you are still getting acquainted with your new situation/orientation and possibilities are bountiful. However, we all have parts of our daily routine that can become rote…things we could practically do with our eyes closed, going through the motions as they become monotonous, tired and bland. The key is to find new ways to approach these situations with new eyes.

The way I looked at and approached life changed dramatically when my daughter become mobile. As soon as she could walk, she reached for everything in sight. If she couldn’t reach it, she devised ways to get there. Boxes were no longer something to recycle or use for storage, but forts, rocket ships or art supplies. She showed me 101 ways to use bottle caps and wine corks. I finally began to see the world as this new and completely amazing landscape full of possibilities.

No matter how much of an expert you are at your job, your practice or what ever it may be, approach it differently this week. If you have kids, take some time to stare at the world through their eyes. If not, try and remember back to your childhood — what was your favorite toy or place to play? How did your imagination shape the space you lived in? How did that shape you growing up?

So, look through a new set of eyes at the amazing possibilities that surround you. I look forward to seeing you all in class this week as we find new ways to move and breathe together!
